


Publicity and Marketing crew meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:45 to 4:45 p.m. 

Pub crew also meets during tech week as ushers and house manager for the performances. Check out the 科技周 page for more on what to expect! 

So you want to participate in one of our crews for the play or musical, but this is all new to you? 不用担心! First, know that no experience is required; we will teach you everything you need.

那么你需要做什么呢? 首先,完成并交上a 船员申请表. Then, sign up for an interview slot on the 戏剧 Callboard at school. The interview is a great opportunity to see what it’s like for later in life as you apply for a job. This interview is a low-stress chat with the adult and student crew heads to get to know you and what you want to do in the drama program. 所以不要紧张. It's really a low-pressure interview.
这部分很简单. 只需填妥 船员申请表 然后交上来. 不需要面试. 想换船员吗?? 没有问题. Just select the new crew you would like to try.
就是这样! The crew lists will be posted on the 戏剧 Callboard on Google Classroom the night of interviews. All you’ll need to do is accept your position and get ready for your first crew meeting! 





戏剧导演 & Choreographer, 戏剧 Teacher, 国际 Thespian Society Advisor, 戏剧 Club Advisor


Technical Director, 戏剧 Teacher


戏剧导演 & Choreographer, 戏剧 Teacher, 国际 Thespian Society Advisor, 戏剧 Club Advisor

Ms. Darr has proudly served as 戏剧导演 at Blanchet since 2021. She absolutely loves working with her students—they are the next generation of great theatre artists! Put into dance classes at a very early age because she “wouldn’t hold still,” Ms. Darr is a triple-threat performer, and a member of the Actors Equity Association since 2001. 专业, She has performed in countless productions at theatres such as The 5th Avenue Theatre and Village Theatre, starring as Mae in The Pajama Game, 假日酒店的莱拉·迪克森, 朱迪·海恩斯在《皇冠99hg现金网》里, 瓦尔在合唱线(两次!), 内莉·福布什在南太平洋报道, Roxie Hart在芝加哥报道, Maggie in The Noteworthy Life of Howard Barnes, Ilona in She Loves Me and many more. 在全国范围内, she has been seen onstage in Legally Blonde with Boston’s North Shore, Beatsville at Sarasota’s Asolo Rep, as well as roles at La Jolla Playhouse, 萨克拉门托音乐马戏团, and NYC in the pre-Broadway lab of Something Rotten. Ms. Darr holds a BA in 戏剧 from the University of 华盛顿 and a Master of 艺术 in Teaching from 西雅图 Pacific University. 

Technical Director, 戏剧 Teacher

Mr. 埃里克森 has been a part of Blanchet 戏剧 since 2007. After graduating from the University of Portland and moving to 西雅图, he was working and designing around 西雅图 before landing at Blanchet. 虽然一开始Mr. 埃里克森 just worked with stage crew after school, he was drawn into a full-time position teaching technical theatre and woodworking as well. His background is in scenic and lighting design, and he has designed professionally for Theater Schmeater, Book-It话剧团, 和华盛顿合奏剧院. When he’s not working on a Blanchet show, Mr. 埃里克森 can be found building furniture in his garage at home. He holds a BA in Theatre Design from the University of Portland and a Master of 艺术 in Teaching from 西雅图 Pacific University.